NOAM CHOMSKY – Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Glad to see the good results
DAVID HALBERSTAM – Journalist and Author of The Best and the Brightest
A very substantial achievement that will surely have a strong impact on the public’s perception of war.
Best wishes,
DR. HELEN CALDICOTT – Physician and Prominent Anti-War Activist.
All very interesting, Dr. Kolkey
Helen Caldicott
JACK SASSON – Professor at Vanderbilt University
Prophets occasionally live long enough to be recognized for their
insights. You are obviously one of the few.
TOM HAYDEN – Author, Political Leader, and Anti-War Activist
Through endless, some would say obsessive, interviews with primary sources
everywhere, Jonathan Kolkey is providing us with much-needed evidence about
the causes and politics of war-making. Far from its claims to glory, Kolkey
finds more banal bureaucratic and self-serving factors at work.
Tom Hayden
LEW ROCKWELL — Director of Ludwig Von Mises Institute
Love it!
DAVID GORDON – Senior Fellow at Ludwig Von Mises Institute
Jonathan Kolkey’s project on war promises to be of great value for libertarians.
In viewing war as largely motivated by personal political ambition, Kolkey lends
support to the libertarian view of the predatory state.
David Gordon
Editor, Mises Review
CAROL MOORE — Coordinator, Libertarians for Peace
Libertarians and historical movie buffs will recognize and largely agree with Dr. Kolkey’s theory that “it seems self-evident that each individual conflict resembles a specific criminal act–with its own suspect, motive, and modus operandi.” Of course, the major suspect is the whole body of organized violence that constitutes the state and its co-conspirators those at or closest to the seat of power. I’m sure a majority of the increasingly cynical public also would agree, should they learn of Dr. Kolkey’s work.
Carol Moore, Coordinator, Libertarians for Peace
HOWARD ZINN – Professor at Boston University
I certainly agree with your basic idea about war and the motivations that bring it about..
Howard Zinn
ROBERT SCHEER — Legendary Journalist and Anti-War Activist
It’s obviously very important to figure out just what these urges to make unnecessary wars all have in common so that they can be avoided.
Robert Scheer
SEYMOUR HERSH — Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist
Your project seems very interesting to me. Continue the good work!
Sy Hersh
RICHARD REEVES — Author and Syndicated Columnist
The World Wide War Project is not only an innovative use of the Internet, it is an admirable attempt to isolate the variables in decisions to go to war over the centuries. The more we know about these decisions, the less likely we will be to repeat them.
Richard Reeves, University of Southern California
ROBERT DALLEK – Professor at University of California, Los Angeles
Good luck with your noble effort. Whatever their motives, most of
these wars were unnecessary disasters.
All best,
Robert Dallek
PER BYLAND — Founder of “Anarchism.net“
There is no doubt your research has the potential to do an enormous
amount of good by pointing out the truth: people are being (and always
have been) injured, tortured, killed, butchered, slaughtered to serve
the personal interests of their master(s). If your research changes the
mindset of people in academia or elsewhere about Power, it would mean nothing less
than a social revolution; if you only achieve a change in people’s
views of why wars are fought, but without affecting people’s views of their masters,
you would at least potentially save thousands of lives when states do
not go to war as often. In either case, your research would be a clear
success! So in that sense I support you whole-heartedly.
RUSSELL JACOBY — Professor of History at University of California, Los Angeles and
Author of The Last Intellectuals: American Culture in the Age of Academe
In his long effort to isolate the cause of war throughout history, Jonathan Kolkey deserves to be saluted. In working without institutional support to bring his findings to the public, he might be called one of “the last intellectuals.”
Russell Jacoby